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Kitchen Tile Transfers – Easy To Remove and Paste

Every housewife dreams of a cozy, comfortable and beautiful kitchen. However, its repair does not always have enough time and money. Stickers for the interior are pictures that are cut out of Kitchen Tile Transfers. This material is very practical and great for decals on kitchen sets.
It has good moisture resistance, withstands temperature extremes and has a shelf life of about 10 years. The stains on the sticker are easily erased with a damp cloth.

Tile Transfers Kitchen UK for a Kitchen set

Tile Transfers Kitchen UK has good moisture resistance, withstand temperature extremes and has a long shelf life Such decoration elements have a spectacular and unusual solution and are able to emphasize the main advantages of the kitchen, as well as mask unsightly places. Typically, stickers are placed on the surfaces of solid colors.

They fit well on smooth and even walls - painted, wooden or plastic, as well as on ceramic tiles. One of the main advantages of vinyl stickers is that they can be quickly peeled off, without harming the paint and wallpaper. A tired sticker can simply be replaced with a new one.

The process of applying stickers is always creative. The set can be decorated with various colors or pasted portraits of popular actors and musicians. Decorative stickers with images of fruits and vegetables, appliqués with a coffee cup look good in the kitchen.

To create a sophisticated atmosphere in the kitchen, you can use Black Kitchen Tile Transfers made in the style of a cafe, for example, images of people sitting at elegant tables and drinking coffee. If desired, you can make a collage of flowers, rainbows, butterflies and so on.

Decorative tile stickers for the kitchen can be applied to plastic windows, a kitchen facade or household appliances, which also looks quite interesting.

The advantage of Tile Transfers is that they stick well to any surface. For example, by sticking an application on an old refrigerator, you can completely or partially change its appearance, or, conversely, make modern household appliances a classic element of the kitchen interior.

The process of kitchen tile transfers:
  • Remove the facade. To dismantle accessories, to wash out front details with warm water and laundry soap and degrease.
  • Open the film from the wrong side,
  • Roll out the film from the front edges, remove the protective layer gradually.
  • Flatten by hand or spatula. Movements should be from the center to the edges.
  • Pierce air pockets (if necessary).


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