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Most Common FAQ Questions About Tile Stickers

Tile stickers have come as a breath of fresh air for both interior designers and home owners. Gone are the days where you had to spend huge amounts of money to get your floor tiled and wait for days on end for the work to be finished. With the advent of waterproof tile stickers, the renovation of the house has become super easy and they can be used anywhere from your bathroom to your kitchen. These stickers have such sleek and sophisticated designs that you will not miss floor and wall tiles even for a day. 

Let us see what these stickers actually are before you go and buy and them.

You can pick and choose your tile size

While selecting kitchen tile stickers or for your bathroom, you do not need to worry about the size of the sticker. Tile Style Decals offers these stickers in 4x4 inch, 6x6 inch and 8x12 inch configuration. So, you can get stickers depending upon the size of the wall and the floor. 

Can they be applied on a painted wall?

Yes, these stickers can be applied on a painted wall, but you must ensure that the paint job was finished six to eight weeks before you apply them. It is advisable to wait for this length of time after a new paint job, as even though the paint may appear dry from the outside, it would not have achieved its full strength. If you apply the sticker on wet paint, then the coating will come off with the stickers.  Related Article:- Beautiful Tile Sticker Ideas to Remodel Your Cooking Space

Can the stickers damage my floor and walls?

It is completely safe to apply waterproof bathroom tile stickers on your walls and floors and do not damage them at all. In fact, the use of these stickers protects the original flooring and tiling and adds many years to their shelf life. These stickers add a protective layer thus reducing the wear and tear. A lot of times the tiles start losing the original colour and the design starts fading with constant use. But you can protect them with the use of tile stickers.

Tile stickers cannot be reused

Unless specifically mentioned, these stickers cannot be reused again and again. Not only that, one must be very careful while applying them as you do not get many chances to stick them properly. After the second or third attempt the adhesive starts losing its grip and you will end up wasting the sticker if you keep trying to paste it properly. 

Very easy to install

You do not have to hire professionals or wait for many days before the work is finished on tile stickers. These stickers can be applied by yourself with the help of a ruler and a cutter. Also, once you get the idea as to how to properly apply them, it takes only a couple of hours for the entire job to be finished. 

What material is used to make tile stickers? 

Tile stickers are made of vinyl, which I has a thickness of 0.3 to 0.5 millimetres, which is much thicker than a wallpaper. While, people might think that they are similar to laminate flooring that was used years ago, but there is a big difference between the two products. For starters, laminate flooring could come across as cheap or cringe inducing, but that is not the case with tile transfers. Whether you are using kitchen tile stickers or for your bathroom, the options are endless. Also, they can add a degree of class to your floor and walls.   Also Read:- What Is a Tile Sticker and Where Can You Install It in Your House

Is it possible to choose different types of finishes?

These stickers are available in different types of finishes like glass, metal, stone, wood etc. So depending upon where you wish to use them you can pick and choose the type of finish. For example, you can use glass tile stickers for the bathroom as when light is reflected from the glass, it creates a bright surrounding. Using a coloured or a frosted glass tile sticker can do wonders to the feel of your bathroom or kitchen.

They are not overtly expensive

Buying and getting tile stickers is a relatively inexpensive affair. A 6x6 inch kitchen tile transfers from can cost anything between 2 Pound Sterling to 8 Pound Sterling depending upon the quality of the tile that you choose. This means that applying these tiles in a 200-square foot room should set you back by not more than 300 Pound Sterling to 1000 Pound Sterling. 

These stickers are built to last many years

You can apply these stickers and forget about them for years to come. It is believed that these stickers can last anywhere between five to 25 years, depending upon the usage and maintenance. Factors like the amount of usage, how often are they exposed to water and how neatly have they been installed play a crucial role in determining how long will they last. To make sure that the installation of these tiles is perfect, you first must ensure that the base flooring is completely flat. And when they are used in kitchen and bathroom, you must wipe them as soon as they are exposed to water.


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